Addressing equity, diversity & inclusion (EDI)

The public relations profession faces a diversity challenge. Our data shows that 9 in 10 UK practitioners are White and 25% are privately educated – around four times higher than the UK national average. This lack of representation hinders our ability to connect with the diverse and vibrant communities we serve.

We know there are barriers to entry and progression in the profession for under-represented groups. Our 2020 Race in PR report revealed that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic practitioners were unable to access the same opportunities as White colleagues. They spoke of racism, microaggressions, unconscious bias and inflexible working cultures that denied them opportunities to advance their careers.

Our first EDI Strategy

We are proud to launch our first EDI strategy to drive lasting and meaningful change. The strategy will embed EDI principles and best practice in six key areas of our work. It sets out how we will achieve this and how we will report on our progress.

The strategy has been developed by the CIPR EDI committee and builds on years of advocacy and hard work by the Diversity & Inclusion Network. Thank you to all the dedicated volunteers who have championed and continue to champion change in this vital area.

If  you have any questions on the strategy, you may find the answers in our frequently asked questions. To talk to us about the strategy or provide feedback, please contact Claire Bloomer, Director of  Operations.

Download strategy

Champion change

Support our strategy and join us in fostering a welcoming and inclusive profession where everyone can thrive and belong.

If you haven’t already started your EDI learning journey, deepen your awareness and understanding of the issues and increase your knowledge by exploring the EDI resources available to everyone from this page.  

(Data: CIPR State of the Profession reports 2019 and 2022)

Showcasing diversity in PR

We want to feature real practitioners from under-represented groups in our EDI photography and branding. To share your quality photographs for possible use in our future communications, please contact Sarah Ion, Director of Marketing Communications.
person holding lap top

CIPR resources

The CIPR has produced a range of resources to increase understanding of EDI and help you embed EDI principles in your practice.

Read more

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External resources

Find reports, resources, tools and guidance from other organisations to help you on your EDI journey.

Read more

person smiling into camera

Complete your diversity profile

To help us understand and monitor the diversity of our members, please complete your diversity profile in MyCIPR.

Visit your account

person smiling looking sideways

What are you passionate about?

Help inform our EDI priorities and work plan by taking part in our member poll.

Take the poll

person smiling into camera

Start a conversation

We want to share the experiences and perspectives of practitioners from under-represented groups on Influence.

Email to find out more

person smiling into camera

EDI partners

Discover the charities and businesses supporting under-represented groups in PR. Together, we will create change.

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